Wednesday, April 10, 2013

October to April: A 6 Month Photo Timeline


Steph, Yulie, and I

Epic version of Dan


Frey at sunset

The Fitzroy Massif

Some psuedo John Fielder

Mike Making his way up after the mixed step towards the base of the route.

Sunrise on the Torres.

Our Argentine friend on the final snowfield of Guillaumet.

Our Spanish Friend very glad (and reckless) 

Rappel Rappel Rappel...

The big fitz.

Trekking in the Cerro Castillo area.

Dances with wild horses?  Doesn't seem as dangerous as wolves.

Ten minutes into our first drive in the car... Flat tire.


The car is broken!

The Car works! (sorta!)

Auto Mechanic 

La Serena Camp

Hitch hiking..albeit ineffective.

A little inclement weather review of our knowledge of rescue systems.

Eric on top of Alto.

Refugio antics.  Empanada manufacturing and card playing.

Camp in Arenales, one fine snowy morning.

Seth Climbing..

Home Sweet Home

1 comment:

  1. Seriously can't wait to see those sweet, sweet Flatties again...
